The 100% Success Rate of Mama’s House
How easy it is for all of us who give our all in this ministry to feel like failures when we see residents give up before completing the program and leave the opportunity of a lifetime at Mama’s House. No one, save those of us deep in the trenches, working closely day by day with the most wounded, hurting and broken women, will ever understand the extreme lows and accompanying heartaches, nor the lofty highs and accompanying joy of such work.
However, it is then, just when our hearts are shattered and dismay has taken hold that we are reminded of all the goodness they encountered while in this home where love lives. Suddenly, our broken hearts are healed and and set free to experience the indescribable joy that comes from serving others in love. We are restored in our faith and strengthened to humbly continue this ministry, pouring all we have into these precious women. Doing all we can, the best we can, while we can.
Indeed, this is a priceless ministry and I, along with those who serve alongside me, thank God all the day long for the privilege of being here in this place. Our mourning is turned to joy as we remember in doing our best “as unto the Lord,” we have not failed, and in accomplishing the mission of Mama’s House, our success rate is 100%.
Mama’s House Provides:
- Unconditional Love
- A safe & nurturing environment
- Introduction to God’s everlasting love, mercy & grace
- Assessment & addressing of physical, emotional, spiritual, educational & vocational needs
- Guidance in proven Judeo Christian truths & principles for living
- Training in parenting, job & life skills
- Professional and peer counseling
- AA/NA & Celebrate Recovery tools
- Educational opportunities & assistance
- A Path for Success toward a brighter future
We confidently say that Mama’s House has a 100% success rate as we provide ALL of this and more! The residents alone are responsible for utilizing the tools they receive, and putting into practice all they learn while in the program. This will determine their individual success or failure upon leaving Mama’s House, whether they stay days or months. We can rest assured that while in this home where love lives, they feel the presence of the Lord and He has the perfect plan and purpose for each life. “Preparation is our job. Victory rests with the Lord.”